Hello YOU!
If you’re looking for a better normal life, I apologise. You won’t find it here.
I tried the formula to live happily ever after. The loving husband and family, a great job, even a dog and house in the suburbs. All of which are wonderful!
Yet I always felt like a piece of the puzzle was missing.
After attending an Access Bars class in Sydney and other Access Consciousness seminars, I realised what the missing element was. Me!
While doing my best to get things right and keep others happy, I wasn’t showing up in my life.
How can you be happy when you’re not in the computation? It seems rather obvious in hindsight.
Like many others, I came across Access Bars while seeking to change a problem.
My young son had been diagnosed with a chronic illness and I just knew he didn’t have to live with it. There had to be a different possibility.
So I researched many alternative healing methods and modalities.
One day I heard Mr Gary Douglas talk about Access Bars on internet radio.
Although Access seemed rather weird, I was impressed with how generously Gary shared the tools of Access with listeners.
Not once did he say, ‘You have to buy my book or come to my seminar.’
Access Consciousness is a pragmatic method, means, and modality for you to study what is going to make things simpler in your life. Your choice makes a huge difference.
Beginning with Access Bars, I got noticeably happier. This inspired me to go to more Access classes, traveling interstate and overseas which was out of my comfort zone back then.
I also started liking myself more and chose to be a Bars Facilitator so other people can learn about these tools.
It is an unpredictable adventure, not always comfortable.
What have you been seeking your whole life and not yet found?
What can I contribute to you, your life and living? Reach out, let's chat!
Photo: Clay Banks, Unsplash