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with Nicola Silva

Release energy blocks and get happy!


Access Bars is a gentle treatment suitable for anyone who is experiencing overwhelm, exam stress or worry. Mums and dads, professionals, businesspeople, anxious students, moody teens, children, anyone seeking peace of mind.

During the Bars session, you lie on a massage table while a practitioner lightly touches 32 points on your head. This creates a deep sense of relaxation, tension melts away.

You experience a sense of wellbeing and find it easier to deal with situations that used to trigger negative reactions.

Access Bars reduces the symptoms of burnout, stress, PTSD, a busy mind, depression and anxiety. 

For me, I become more joyful and energised after Bars. My head gets clearer, I am happier and excited to be alive.

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Nicola has this very calm and gentle presence that provides the space to be you. Her awareness is pretty spot on. She is always ready to ask questions that open up choices and possibilities. 
Having a Bars or body process session with Nicola can leave you being totally different and creates true bliss & joy. I dare you to have a session with her.

DC, Foundation class participant

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